Rotary Conference in Madrid

Rotary Conference in Madrid
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

4 day Week!

This week was a short one due to a holiday on Tuesday because it was national Spain day. Since I am the new/foreign kid I thought it would be appropriate to attend class on the monday although all of my friends had warned me that no one goes. being the excellent student I am, I attend all 6 of my classes, in period one there were a normal amount of people in the class, but as the day progressed that number quickely decreased to 6 at the end of the day. Spanish school is more similar to Canada school then I could have ever imagined!

By the way i got my anthropology exam back this week, I passed with flying colours. I only got 9 wrong out of 25. Unfortunetly in spanish school they calculate things a little bit differently... I ended up with a 3.75 out of 10. It was the first time I had failed something in forever. Estoy muy triste. I am very sad that I failed :(
Oh well I have 2 more exams this week to make up for it. My 2 favourite classes, Philosophy on monday and Biology on Tuesday. Recall my philosophy teacher is the one I cannot understand nor read his chicken scratch writing... so we will see how that goes..
My biology is fairly simple, the cirriculum is however different in spain then it is in canada so I actually have to try instead of breezing right through it because I already did it. But, that time will soon come! I have a chance of passing biology but since I missed the first 2 weeks, I have  A LOT of studying to do.. YAY!

Last night I went out with my friends and watched the soccer game, Real Madrid crushed Malaga to a pulp. After watching spanish soccer matches her, it makes TFC(Toronto Football Club) and all other Canadian Soccer teams look like a bunch of timbit 5 year olds chasing after the ball.. no offense Canada.
I met more people this week, every week I talk to next people.
I think my spanish is beginning to improve, I know longer feel like I am in la-la land 24/7, so that's a really good thing! Even my spanish host mother commented to me the other day that my spanish is mucho mejor (much better) which made me very very happy :) !!!!

Anyways, I should really get studying for my 2 exams which will result in my brain exploding..
un beso from tenerife!

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