Rotary Conference in Madrid

Rotary Conference in Madrid
Some Randum Exchange Students

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final Rotary Presentation in the South

Went to the South with Marcos in the morning because I had to present my final presentation for Rotary at the meeting that night. So I decided to go visit Dana during the day and go to his school because firstly I didn’t feel like going on the bus alone for 1 hour, and I also didn’t want to pay 5 euros. Dana and i went to Geography, French and then to Antonio who is like Dana´s private tutour because there are a lot of people that can´t speak Spanish in the south, so he gets private classes every week for an hour. I am rather jealous because I actually learnt new things after 1 hour with him. After school we went home and hung out, ate lunch then chilled out and practised our presentations a little bit. Funny thing, we skyped my parents, and David who is on an exchange in Niagara on the Lake was over at my house in Canada for Easter, and I was at his house visiting Dana who lives in his house. What a coincidence, soooo strange!
Anyways, Dana begged to go first in the presentations and I was super nervous and stressed so I was happy about that. Right before we leave for the meeting, he says he´s not going first anymore and asks Marcos if he can go second. So, I was now 11 times more nervous and was also going first. Also Dana had already practised in front of an audience for his greek class that morning before I came. After their meeting we were up, I had typed up notes to look down at in case i got really nervous or forgot how to say something because it was 15 minutes speaking in Spanish.
Anyways I started my presentation a little nervous then all of a sudden I was just rambling about the photos in Spanish without looking at my papers once. I don´t even remember what I said, but I was just talking without thinking in Spanish for a good 20 minutes. It felt so good when i was done, everyone clapped, and a man even asked how long I´ve been here for, that must mean that my Spanish is somewhat good.

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