Rotary Conference in Madrid

Rotary Conference in Madrid
Some Randum Exchange Students

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Saturday, June 18, 2011


Today at 9am was the last exam of the Pau, the Pau is like the University entrance exams, i guess you could compare them to the SATS, they need to get a certain mark to enter certain careers. Although the is their final exams, they take 8 classes all year but only have to write 6 exams, and get to choose which ones they want to write of the 8! Ya i know, Sweet eh!
My friends were teasing me that I should try writing the Pau for kicks, that´s it´s so easy that i would probably pass, and considering I had already passed Math, English, Fundamentos (stock brooking) and almost Biology during the school year if I got 3 of 10 or 30 percent on all my exams I would pass ! crazy eh!

Anyways so we decided to go to the beach after their exam to celebrate. This was the first white sand beach i had been to, sand brought from the Sahara desert, so if it´s windy you basically die because it chokes you out. Anyways a friends dad and friend that the Terresitas was nice today, no wind and hot. So after we waited for all the late Spanish kids to arrive, i usually arrive late because I have learnt the Spanish way, but today i decided to be on time. Well no one else really thought the same, after about 45 minutes we all go down to the beach in guagua (bus), we had to catch two because the beach is on like the farthest north point of the island, even past the last town.
We finally got there, applied SPF 50 and started tanning, almost immediately we had to go into the water, it was cold at first but nice. Spent the day talking, eating and swimming also had a sand fight that was pretty intense, I can officially say that i probably had more sand in my hair then on the beach. Even after washing my hair 3 times, I still can scratch my head and find sand, at least it´s not black like usual because that really makes a mess because it appears on everything!
Also  i bought a steal of a sandwich since there was no bread in our house this morning to make a sandwich for the beach, amazing chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes and everything for 2.70 euros! It was sooo good too!

By the end of the day after multiple applications of SPF 50 we were all still burnt, and guess what the foreign girl wasn´t even the most burnt. All year Ive been teased for always being read when in reality I was the least burnt! Way to go my skin, guess i have finally adapted to the Spanish sun, more of less anyways.
We were planning to go out to party tonight but we were all burnt and sore and tired from the beach. So we are all going out tomorrow, since la pau, university and high school finished today EVERYONE is partying this weekend!
Since we didn’t go to party we went to a restaurant that I found with exchange students when i was in Malaga called Montaditos which serves these little sandwiches for 1 euro each and all drink for 1 euro too, when i was in Malaga we went there 3 times. On Wednesday everything on the menu is 1 euro so literally EVERYONE goes there because its dirt cheap. I loved this restaurant so much I look a souvenir from there, pictures, napkins, etc. Yes I´m pathetic, exchange students tend to hoard a lot of stuff that is really unnecessary and stupid. Anyways while in La Laguna with a friend who failed and has to write the pau in September we found the restaurant, of course we went there for a cold drink because its 1 euro. I was freaking out in the restaurant, like OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE TENERIFE HAS ONE, THAT IS AMAZING, HOW DID I LIVE ALL YEAR WITHOUT KNOWING ABOUT THIS! Note everything i refer to in speech is all in Spanish, im just translating it for you.
Anyways there is another one of these restaurants in Santa Cruz so we went there for some 1 euro sandwiches, and plan on going back on Wednesday this week for everything to be 1 euro! Already so excited, 1 euro hotdogs are the best! After our little snack we passed a revolution protest, so we stopped in on that for a bit, made some noise, saw what was happening then headed for home. Complete day i would say!

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