Rotary Conference in Madrid

Rotary Conference in Madrid
Some Randum Exchange Students

My Blog

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Monday, December 27, 2010


So I am completely aware that I am very bad at updating my blog. I’ve been very busy lately.
Anyways, here we go.

If my Spanish family were to go on celebrity look/act alike I think they would be paired up with Micheal Phelp’s family or maybe the fish specifies in general. If you don’t know this already, my family ADORES swimming. Instead of the famous Canadian shirt you always see, eat sleep and play hockey. There’s goes a little more like eat sleep and swim. I think they might have gills and possibly fins that’s I have yet to see.
Not only do they swim all the time, but they also kick butt at swimming. Diane (my host sister) swims every day for about 3 hours; she is by far the youngest as she swims with kids my age up to age 21. You could say she rocks.
Marcos and Merci cannot swim every day but they swim an ofel lot. I usually practice with them. Don’t think that oh you swimming with the parents, I’m sure it’s not that hard. OH TRUST ME, IT’S A WORKOUT. 3 hours of sprinting sprints.
Before I arrived here I would have definitely drowned if I tried to swim what i swim now. Now I only drown a little bit. I believe I have made great improvement as I am no longer last in training. Oh I am on a swim team called Tenerife Master’s, we swim every Saturday and I train in the pool 3 minutes away from my house at a social/athletic club called Casa Venezuela. It has a pool, tennis courts, squash courts, paddle courts (search this sport, it is Spanish and looks like the most fun thing in the world. Although I have yet to play it L) front wall tennis courts (search that also, you play tennis again a wall, similar to squash I suppose), they also have a gym where I usually go running on the treadmill. It also has a social club part where usually the old men chill out, drink beer, and watch soccer. It can get a bit controversial up in there.
Fun fact: Every Saturday i get a lovely suntan/burn on my face from swimming from 11-2:30. Then I fade throughout the week, and the cycle continues for the next week. The pool we train in with the team is in Santa Cruz, which is the part of the island closer to the water. The capital of the island, it has all the good shopping there. The pool is outdoors, and yes we are still swimming outside in December. This is the point where all the people living in Canada can stop shovelling their driveways and be jealous!
Merci had informed me a while ago that she is 2nd in her age category for swimming in all of Spain, I was like WOW that’s amazing, but she didn’t think so. I wish I was 2nd best swimmer for my age... but I am going to face reality and know that that will NEVER happen, well not in this lifetime.

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