Rotary Conference in Madrid

Rotary Conference in Madrid
Some Randum Exchange Students

My Blog

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

When (Californiavacation) Dana came to the Arctic and loved every minute of it

Dana is another exchange student that lives in the south, where it is always sunny and warm and where all the old English and german people go to turn into lobsters as a lovely vacation. Note, the entire island is not like this. I live in La Laguna which is farther up the mountain and on the skinny part(tail) of the island. If you look at a picture you will understand. It is located about in the middle of the skinny part. So im not very close to the water, about a 2 hour walk or 5 minute car drive. However, I can see the ocean from my house. Which i still find incredible.
Dana is from Canada too, but from PEI. So the whole idea of living on a island is not a big deal for him. For me on the other hand, sometimes im just like WOW I live on an island in the middle of the ocean near africa, that is so weird.
Anyways, California vacation came up to the artic to visit me during the 3 week Christmas vacation. When asking me what he should bring for clothing I said, PANTS SWEATER AND PERHAPS A PARKA. He laughed thinking I was joking. When he arrived with a thin sweater and jeans, I laughed thinking to myself, should have listened to me!
I was already feeling a bit under the weather because my room is an ice box, not exactly sure why. I have had 3 blankets on it for about 3 months now, and could always use some more.  Also I now wear pants and long sleeve pajamas to bed because if my mountain of blankets don’t cover ever centimetre of me, I get strep throat for about a week. Take a guess what comes next. Note: this marks the 4th time occurance. Oh ya, that happened to I woke up to Dana calling my name hovering over my bed to wake up. Trying to respond, I could not. My throat was dead. I sounded more like a gremlin then anything, hes like oh ya i feel sick too. PARDON!
One thing lead to another and after a 2 hour excursion to La Laguna, the city part, we were both dying of a cold. We are still unsure if his sickness was due to his allergies or the humidity. Mind was due to my idiocy and not wearing a t-shirt to bed.

Anyways what could have potentially been a crazy exciting 3 days turned into watching a lot of Spanish tv, playing wii and complaining about how sick we are. If you know me, you will know that I tend to make any situation enjoyable, not trying to brag aHA. Anyways despite being on the pedistol of death dana and I still had a steller time. Also the fact that the Christmas package my mother sent was full entirely of chocolate: reeses, licorish, more chocolate, and hot chocolate. We both gained 11 pounds each.
A day after leaving, he back back again, but this time for Christmas. We discovered the mystery of his sickness, ALLERGIES. So he cant stay in my house for long periods of time, this happens to his host brother as well.

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