Rotary Conference in Madrid

Rotary Conference in Madrid
Some Randum Exchange Students

My Blog

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Met up with Bonnie , one of my good friends mothers who I basically was her second daughter because I was at her house so often and ate all her food.
Anyways she was on a cruise and they stopped in Tenerife for the day so we met up. MErci and I took her to all the pretty look outs of Santa Cruz and La Laguna, and went for a walk through La Laguna, where I live.
So we begin by going to the Taracetas, a beach made out of white sand from the Sahara Desert, it is the only white sand because in the north. Only white beaches are in the south where are the tourists, and Dana are.. Anyways Merci took her up to the viewing point, well Bonnie was literally going to the washroom in her pants, and cringing and almost crying in the back seat. She´s like I can´t go any farther, it´s too high. I was like we’re almost there, we weren´t, just decided not to translate that she wanted to stop to Merci. So up we went, never seen someone so happy to get out of the car. We get out to take pictures, she taking pictures probably 5 metres away from the guard rail. I go hop the rail because I didn’t want the telephone wire in the picture. Bonnie flips and grabs my arm. Not even steep there.
Next stop, La Laguna. Merci and bonnie had to go to the washroom. So we found one, Bonnie went in and was taking a long time. It was one of those bathrooms where´s there only one toilet but 2 doors. One for the washroom and one for where the sink is in front. So I see bonnie, thinking she´s washing her hands I see her standing there with her yellow underwear on. I say, Bonnie what on earth are you doing! She´s like there was no toilet paper so I have to use paper towel. I begin howling, I told her restaurants and schools never have toilet paper, it costs too much. She´s like then what do you do! I´m like either you come prepared or shake and go.. She didn’t seem to like that much. I was actually shocked there was paper towel.
Also walking down the street, than finally realized how much we probably stuck out. Blonde blondie with blue eyes, and my friends call me a guiri! As I am explaining how much she sticks out, a man walks by and says, que bonita! Merci and I began laughing, howling. Bonnie answers what, did he call me a foreigner. I´m like no he said, how beautiful because she was something new to look at. No one I know has blonde hair like Bon Bon! She was a real treat for Tenerife on Monday, Tenerife got some real foreign culture in the North. Thing is, if she were to go to the South, no one would have said anything because that is the norm.
When we finally get to my house for Lunch, Bonnie needs to use the washroom again, asks me so do they have toilet paper here. I´m like of course, it´s only in public places!
She couldn’t believe how different my house was. It was funny to see how accustomed to my new life I have become compared to my first weeks, although I have always been someone who adapts rather quickly to new situations. Anyways Bonnie took a picture of like everything in my house, the washroom, my room, my closet, she just loved it. Couldn´t believe that we have walls around our house and you can´t just go waltzing onto the neighbours property.
It was so great to have someone from where I am from experience everything I have. Except I didn’t have anyone to give me pointers or warn me about anything, luckily bonnie did, or else i don’t think she would have lasted the day.

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